Comments on: Uniform Problems Can Be An Issue Covering Game Presentation For Over 30 Years Tue, 17 Mar 2015 01:47:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jim Malone Tue, 17 Mar 2015 01:47:53 +0000 I have been announcing Basketball, Football and Baseball since 1970. Uniforms have become a big issue over the last 10 years. Teams and designers are looking for flash and sizzle, and don’t understand that uniforms are not just clothing, they are game equipment, just as much as a ball, a bat or a glove.
I’ve had football games (in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness) with teams in Pink with white outlined numbers, others with drop shadows that look real cool from 6 feet away, but from the press box it looked like the team was playing in a torso deep mud-bowl with totally unrecognizable numbers. I always keep handy a wireless system with 100 yard range so as to be able to call the game from the sidelines where I may have a better shot at seeing the info. Maroon on Black is another great combo. I had that from 2 teams this basketball season, 1 was a NCAA D2 women’s team, the other a Canadian Minor League Pro Squad. But here is the next trend that I encountered in Football….Fluorescents combined with Metallics! Under the lights…near impossible to make out. I was lucky that the stadium had full video with instant replay. I used the monitors to pick out the numbers.
