• Announcing Outdoors?  Get A Tent!

    Announcing Outdoors? Get A Tent!0

    The majority of the events we all as announcers work, have some sort of organized media area.  Be it a scorers table or pressbox, there’s typically a place for us to set-up and feel official.  What happens when you arrive to a location that doesn’t have anything set-up and you’re left fending for yourself? If

  • Myths: Nobody Comes To Hear The Announcer

    Myths: Nobody Comes To Hear The Announcer0

    The night before the first game I announced, my dad gave me some advice.  Not all of it would wind up being true, including, “nobody comes to hear the announcer”. That’s understandable from the outside, but over the years have found this to be untrue.  Here are some of the reasons why this is a

  • Sports Announcing Myths, An Introduction

    Sports Announcing Myths, An Introduction2

    This past March, I began my 25th year behind the mic and with the music.  In that time, I’ve announced and/or DJed well over 4,000 games from all levels in front of crowds of 1 to 45,369.  The vast majority of those games in front of smaller crowds and multitasking, however during that time I’ve

  • Watch and Listen to the ODAC Men’s Quarterfinals

    Watch and Listen to the ODAC Men’s Quarterfinals0

    SportsAnnouncing.com is in Salem, Virginia this week providing P. A. announcing and Sports DJ services for the Old Dominion Athletic Conference‘s men’s and women’s basketball tournaments.  Today, you can watch the men’s quarterfinal games and hear us in the background a little bit. ODAC Basketball Tournament: Men’s Basketball Streaming Central We forgot to post the

  • SportsAnnouncing.com To Work With Try Blind Hockey, Washington Wheelers

    SportsAnnouncing.com To Work With Try Blind Hockey, Washington Wheelers0

    SportsAnnouncing.com, along with Metro DC DJs & Entertainment are happy to announce a partnership with the Washington Wheelers and their “Try Blind Hockey” Day sponsored by USA Hockey and supported by the Washington Capitals. Try Blind Hockey is giving people who are legally blind the opportunity to skate, play hockey and enjoy the feeling of

  • Job Opening:  Frederick Keys On-Field Host

    Job Opening: Frederick Keys On-Field Host0

    The Frederick Keys of the Carolina League are looking for a new entertainer to perform as the on-field host during the 2016 season.  You will be in front of the fans, on the field and on the video board throughout the game. Our advice, love baseball before you apply.  This can be a fun, but