• Sports Announcing Myths, An Introduction

    Sports Announcing Myths, An Introduction2

    This past March, I began my 25th year behind the mic and with the music.  In that time, I’ve announced and/or DJed well over 4,000 games from all levels in front of crowds of 1 to 45,369.  The vast majority of those games in front of smaller crowds and multitasking, however during that time I’ve

  • Five Myths and a Fact About …0

    Earlier this week, post appeared on my feed from the Sportscaster Life blog and as I was reading it, realized that a lot of it can apply to P. A. announcers along with sports casters.  Alex Rawnsley grabbed some excellent ideas that we’re able to tag along with. Sportscaster Life: Five Myths (and One Fact)

  • Rosters, Help Us Please2

    How many times have you received a roster, only to find that it’s in alphabetical order by first name, alphabetical order by last name, or in just some random order?  Annoying, isn’t it? Yes, I won’t lie.  In all the years I’ve been announcing, that’s one of my biggest pet peeves.  Below, I’m recapping some

  • Rosters, Please Help Us

    Rosters, Please Help Us0

    How many times have you received a roster, only to find that it’s in alphabetical order by first name, alphabetical order by last name, or in just some random order?  Annoying, isn’t it? Yes, I won’t lie.  In all the years I’ve been announcing, that’s one of my biggest pet peeves.  Below, I’m recapping some

  • How To Handle Rough Fan Feedback0

    It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, or how many people know you.  There will be people who don’t like your announcing for one reason or another.  If your job is to come in for someone the fans loved, it’s going to be a tough road, regardless of how or why the

  • Write More Than One P. A. Script

    Write More Than One P. A. Script0

    They say, “variety is the spice of life,” and they are right.  But for some reason, people get stuck trying to write the perfect script, when in fact, there isn’t any such thing as a perfect script. When writing your itinerary and script, there are many elements that can come into play that could move,