• The Hierarchy of Announcing

    The Hierarchy of Announcing0

    In the world of sports, there is an obvious hierarchy from the day you start playing until the last time you hit the field, rink or court.  You go from the low levels of youth sports and grow along with others.  If you’re good enough you to go high school, college and maybe play professionally. 

  • Preparing For An Audition

    Preparing For An Audition0

    Last week, we took a look at the Hershey Audition Model and how it worked.  Today, we’ll take a few minutes to go over how to prepare for an audition and hopefully give you a leg-up on your competition. First, we use the word competition because that’s really what an audition is.  It’s a vocal

  • The Hershey Audition Model

    The Hershey Audition Model0

    There have been many P. A. announcing jobs posted on this website that have sent people into the audition process.  It’s our goal to help those looking to further their P. A. career with the proper tools to do so, while also helping those who are looking for the right talent.  A couple of months

  • Wenatchee Wild Announcer Returns

    Wenatchee Wild Announcer Returns0

    Junior Hockey for an American team in the British Columbia Hockey League will continue with their longtime voice, Uncle Ernie, who was thought to have called his last game due to failing eyesight.  Now, with an assist from Lilac Services for the Blind, Ernie Rodriguez will still be there calling the goals, penalties and keeping

  • Jared Prevost Goes From Field to Pressbox

    Jared Prevost Goes From Field to Pressbox0

    Most athletes wait until their career is over before picking up a microphone and calling games.  Jared Prevost, a Varsity football player at Marquette High School in Michigan had the opportunity recently at the Superior Dome for a junior varsity game. ABC 10 News:  Local high school football players takes on PA announcing Rich Rossway,

  • Grizzlies Bring Back Stevenson

    Grizzlies Bring Back Stevenson0

    The Memphis Grizzlies have turned back to a familiar face to fill the vacancy behind the P. A. microphone by bringing back John Paul Stevenson this season. The Commercial Appeal:  John Paul Stevenson returns to be the Griz PA announcer Stevenson was the team’s P. A. announcer from 2001-2006 before heading to Houston to work