Comments on: How Would You Handle The Fans? Covering Game Presentation For Over 30 Years Wed, 22 Jun 2016 02:43:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joe Zelinski Wed, 22 Jun 2016 02:43:16 +0000 High School events are different. They are an extension of the CLASSROOM. There should be only MINOR favoritism shown to the home team, in terms of vocal enthusiasm, IF ANY. Walk-up music for kids is a terrible idea at the high school level. Save this tuff for the minors. The ‘visiting’ fans had every right to be upset. Terrible example of sportsmanship being set by this host school.

By: Brice burge Tue, 21 Jun 2016 21:28:51 +0000 High school rules are different and often have procedures and bylaws required by the state governing authority regarding this kind of thing. The opposing fans went too far, but something as simple as including their walk-up music (if known as a clean version) could have diffused the situation in a positive way. That little bit of positive goes a long way in maintaining a safe crowd environment.

By: Mike Conway Tue, 21 Jun 2016 20:20:16 +0000 I would do my best to find the “Airplane” clip that goes something along the lines of “surely you can’t be serious…” in response to the VISITING team upset that the atmosphere for the HOME team might be slanted in that direction. Wow.

By: William Tue, 21 Jun 2016 17:45:26 +0000 It is called “home field advantage” for a reason. But I also never do anything to embarrass the visitors.
I am neutral at tournaments and international events.

By: KEVIN BALDINGER Tue, 21 Jun 2016 16:04:48 +0000 Parents need to learn to accept that not everyone gets a medal for playing.
I have encountered that attitude and also had visiting fans say how fair I was and that I never did anything to embarrass the visiting team. Each level of play I show more home field advantage.
