• A Look At Hockey Music

    A Look At Hockey Music0

    The NHL, AHL, ECHL and pretty much every other ice hockey league has started for the 2015-2016 season.  We know this by the number of times the playlists for hockey are hit up, that our kids are in their second month of practice, and we’ve announced a few games already. A simple check of SportsAnnouning.com

  • Understanding College Grades

    Understanding College Grades0

    Now that college sports have kicked off for the new year, it’s time to take a look at some of the abbreviations you might see on a college roster when it comes to determining the grade, or year, a student-athlete is competing.  Amazing as it is to think, there’s more than just the four traditional

  • How Do You Use Phonetics?

    How Do You Use Phonetics?2

    We all have our ways of tracking the correct pronunciation of names, whether it’s phonetically or other little notes that a name sounds like something else. We have also had that problem where someone writes something down, and we have no idea how to announce it.  It’s a common announcer problem.  Though that would make

  • Back to School, Back to the Box

    Back to School, Back to the Box1

    With schools starting all over the country, it’s time to head back to the box for high school and middle school announcers all across the country.  Let’s take a look at what you can expect, back to school style. Since a lot of schools also allow other organizations to use their stadiums and pressboxes, it’s

  • What To Do In An Emergency Situation

    What To Do In An Emergency Situation0

    The role of the announcer is to tell people what they need to know, however sometimes we need to give them emergency advice in an instant, that we may not know.  Don’t leave yourself in a situation of uncertainty and do an emergency scan of the facility in the event something happens. When we announce

  • Names Are Not Hashtags

    Names Are Not Hashtags0

    There seems to be a recent trend, and this could really have more to do with broadcasters getting behind the P. A. mic, but there seems to be a lot of combining a player’s first and last names into one jumbled mess in some cases. When you consider the main role of the P. A.