• New NCAA Rules Taken To Extreme in Maine

    New NCAA Rules Taken To Extreme in Maine0

    Over the summer, the NCAA made some rule changes that looked to be for the betterment of the game of women’s basketball, however a recent article about the band at the University of Maine, may have some considering their summer vote. It’s a case of taking something to the extreme, an extreme nobody considered, that

  • Announcing ‘Outside’ Your Comfort Zone

    Announcing ‘Outside’ Your Comfort Zone0

    Welcome to the world of sports announcing, where hockey is played indoors, football outdoors, and the announcer resides comfortably in a pressbox out of the elements, or courtside in a nice comfy chair. But what happens when that isn’t the case.  In almost 25 years of sports announcing, I’ve announced in some pretty interesting places,

  • What Is A Homer?

    What Is A Homer?0

    Recently, there have been posts online about “being a homer”, but is there a true definition of being a homer? We’re not talking about a four-base hit in baseball, nor the patriarch of The Simpsons, neigh the author of “Iliad” and “Odyssey”.  A search of dictionary.com finds nothing until you get to the slang definitions

  • Rosters, Help Us Please2

    How many times have you received a roster, only to find that it’s in alphabetical order by first name, alphabetical order by last name, or in just some random order?  Annoying, isn’t it? Yes, I won’t lie.  In all the years I’ve been announcing, that’s one of my biggest pet peeves.  Below, I’m recapping some

  • Rosters, Please Help Us

    Rosters, Please Help Us0

    How many times have you received a roster, only to find that it’s in alphabetical order by first name, alphabetical order by last name, or in just some random order?  Annoying, isn’t it? Yes, I won’t lie.  In all the years I’ve been announcing, that’s one of my biggest pet peeves.  Below, I’m recapping some

  • How To Handle Rough Fan Feedback0

    It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, or how many people know you.  There will be people who don’t like your announcing for one reason or another.  If your job is to come in for someone the fans loved, it’s going to be a tough road, regardless of how or why the