• Helpful Baseball/Softball Scorecard

    Helpful Baseball/Softball Scorecard0

    Paul Smith developed a nice scorecard for baseball and softball that’s designed for broadcasters, but is also great for P. A. announcers.  We’ve had the chance to look at it and will break it down for you to help you integrate it into your system. The scorecard has been put into the documents section, but

  • The Art of Holding A Microphone

    The Art of Holding A Microphone0

    Holding a microphone is the most important thing an announcer has to do in order to announce.  Without the microphone, well it’s hard to announce on an amplified sound system.  There are many options when it comes to using a microphone, but holding the microphone is an art.  Well maybe not an art, but important

  • Staying Warm When Announcing Hockey

    Staying Warm When Announcing Hockey0

    Every winter there are thousands of hockey parents across North America who trudge to ice cold arenas to take their kids to practices and games, hoping to stay warm. There’s a much smaller number who do it to help entertain those in the stands along with those on the ice putting themselves in the middle

  • Sometimes It’s OK to Be A Fan

    Sometimes It’s OK to Be A Fan0

    When Alex Ovechkin scored his 500th career NHL goal last Sunday, I was working the game and had to follow certain rules which include “no cheering”.  We’ve all, at some point, have seen or heard “No cheering in the pressbox” but the position that I work from is in the seats and surrounded by fans. 

  • It’s Our Responsibility

    It’s Our Responsibility2

    One of the responsibilities of the P. A. announcer is the disseminate information for the crowd in a quick and concise fashion.  Fans don’t want to wait a long time to hear a basket, penalty, foul, play recap, etc. and it’s on the announcer to properly communicate the information fans need to know. “My whole

  • Steve Harvey’s Blunder, A Learning Lesson For All

    Steve Harvey’s Blunder, A Learning Lesson For All0

    Sunday night, comedian and daytime TV talk show host, Steve Harvey made probably the biggest blunder ever recorded by an announcer when serving as host of the Miss Universe contest, he announced the wrong winner. In the clip above, which shows the whole scene (jump to 2:10 for the explanation), you see how such a