• Names Are Not Hashtags

    Names Are Not Hashtags0

    There seems to be a recent trend, and this could really have more to do with broadcasters getting behind the P. A. mic, but there seems to be a lot of combining a player’s first and last names into one jumbled mess in some cases. When you consider the main role of the P. A.

  • Changes Coming to NCAA Basketball to Affect Announcers

    Changes Coming to NCAA Basketball to Affect Announcers0

    We talked about a proposed change to NCAA women’s basketball last week, however today the NCAA has announced changes that will affect P. A. announcers at games on both the men’s and women’s sides. Women’s Basketball Update (June 8, 2015, 4:52 p.m.) We noted in an earlier blog post that music could be played during

  • Write More Than One P. A. Script

    Write More Than One P. A. Script0

    They say, “variety is the spice of life,” and they are right.  But for some reason, people get stuck trying to write the perfect script, when in fact, there isn’t any such thing as a perfect script. When writing your itinerary and script, there are many elements that can come into play that could move,

  • When and When Not To Play the National Anthem

    When and When Not To Play the National Anthem0

    There have always been a lot of questions when it comes to the National Anthem and addressing the flag.  We’re going to take a look at the proper procedure for displaying the flag, behavior and performance of the National Anthem. Cornell University Law School’s web site contains US Code for the National Anthem which is

  • Taking Care of “My Guys”

    Taking Care of “My Guys”0

    In nine years of Minor League Baseball, between all the leagues I worked in, I always kept one thing constant.  I always took care of the players who used to play for my teams, by playing their walk-up music when they came in as a visiting player.  Sometimes, I had to get creative, others it

  • Writing An Effective Itinerary & Script

    Writing An Effective Itinerary & Script0

    The most important part of a successful game production is the itinerary and script.  The itinerary sets forth your planned events for the game, while the script brings it all together.  You can have a great layout of promotions, but if the script is written poorly, people won’t know what you’re talking about. Developing Your