• You Always Represent Your Team0

    Even before Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and a 24-hour society of spreading news in a viral fashion, you still had to watch your behavior.  Whether it was at a restaurant or sporting event, you represented not only yourself, but your employer.  In sports, that’s magnified 1,000 times over because the sports world is a lot smaller

  • Writing Your Scripts0

    Script, rundown, run of show, guide, game notes, whatever your producer or director calls them (see below for our use of the words listed above), you need to have an idea of what you’re looking at along with what else is going on. I’ve worked with teams that create one script that everyone works off

  • Writing An Effective Itinerary & Script

    Writing An Effective Itinerary & Script0

    The most important part of a successful game production is the itinerary and script.  The itinerary sets forth your planned events for the game, while the script brings it all together.  You can have a great layout of promotions, but if the script is written poorly, people won’t know what you’re talking about. Developing Your

  • Write More Than One P. A. Script

    Write More Than One P. A. Script0

    They say, “variety is the spice of life,” and they are right.  But for some reason, people get stuck trying to write the perfect script, when in fact, there isn’t any such thing as a perfect script. When writing your itinerary and script, there are many elements that can come into play that could move,

  • World Police & Fire Games Are Underway, And We’re There

    World Police & Fire Games Are Underway, And We’re There0

    The World Police & Fire Games are underway, and thanks to the efforts by SportsAnnouncing.com, organizers were able to fill quite a few P. A. announcer’s positions.  We’re happy to help and be part of such a wonderful event.  For information on upcoming events, visit www.Fairfax2015.com. Our owner, Jarrod Wronski will be at Prince William

  • William Shatner* Announces Line Up At Capitals Game

    William Shatner* Announces Line Up At Capitals Game0

    On December 8, fans attending the Washington Capitals game at Verizon Center against the Detroit Red Wings didn’t know that they were going to have a celebrity, of sorts, announce the starting line-up for the visiting team that night. The Capitals P. A. announcer, Wes Johnson, is a master of voices.  He’s been heard in